Unical Sug vice president Sen. Precious Zion Commends UNICAL Student, Daniel Ehis Aiguohkian GWR on Write-a-thon Endeavor

Unical Sug vice president Sen. Precious Zion Commends UNICAL Student, Daniel Ehis Aiguohkian GWR on Write-a-thon Endeavor

 Sen. Precious Zion, a stalwart leader known for championing education and community development, extends heartfelt support to Daniel Ehis Aiguohkian, a UNICAL student on the brink of making history. Daniel Ehis Aiguohkian is poised to break the Guinness World Record for the Longest Writing Time, an incredible 188 hours equivalent to 8 days, in honor of Nigeria's Independence and to advance the cause of literacy.

Sen. Precious Zion, recognizing the significance of this monumental effort, has been an avid supporter, offering encouragement, prayers, and unwavering support for Daniel Ehis Aiguohkian's ambitious venture. She expresses gratitude for the student's dedication to promoting literacy and contributing to a positive narrative for Nigeria's youth.

Daniel Ehis Aiguohkian's journey towards the Guinness World Record has been marked by tenacity, passion, and the guidance of influential figures. Sen. Precious Zion commends Daniel Ehis Aiguohkian's commitment to progress and success, emphasizing the importance of focusing on positive scribbling, thoughtful thinking, purposeful inking, and meaningful linking.

As the record-breaking attempt aligns with World Teachers Day, Sen. Precious Zion celebrates the profound impact of educators, referring to them as architects molding future great leaders. She acknowledges the crucial role played by teachers and educational leaders in shaping a brighter future for Nigeria.

In addition to Sen. Precious Zion's support who has played a pivotal role in Daniel Ehis Aiguohkian's journey. Her behind-the-scenes efforts and encouragement have contributed significantly to the student's perseverance and success in this remarkable undertaking.

This collaborative effort symbolizes the strength of community support in achieving extraordinary goals. Sen. Precious Zion encourages Nigerian Students to rally behind Daniel Ehis Aiguohkian, recognizing this endeavor as a beacon of inspiration for future generations.

*Former law maker of University of Calabar Hon, Sen, Pst Chief Ozopuru Ini Ego 1 of unical. Ceo Billionaire Bill Media Team and blog*

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