...Says "the Peoples' First Policy Trust", is an idea whose time has come

The Director General of APC Digital Ambassadors and immediate Past Senior Special Assistant to The Former Governor of Cross River State on Agricultural Enterprise Development, Amb. Oliver Ntui has sent a congratulatory message to the Governor, His Excellency Senator Prince Bassey Edet Otu and his Deputy Rt. Hon. Peter Odey over his victory at the Supreme Court, as the validly elected governor of Cross River State.

Sir. Oliver Ntui had in a statement made available to journalists on Sunday stated that the season of sweetness viz-a-viz the Peoples' first policy trust & development agenda, is an idea whose time has come & cannot be wished away by any opposition. "There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come, even the strongest army in the world can't defeat an idea whose time has come" ... he posited.

Sir. Ntui commended the judiciary for contributing to the deepening of the nation’s democracy through its sound judgement, maintaining that members of the APC  Digital Ambassadors and indeed the entire people of Cross River State appreciates the good work done by the judiciary in ensuring that the mandate given to  Governor Bassey Otu by the electorate was not truncated. 

The DG, Amb. Oliver Ntui said that the State needed a leader like Governor Bassey Otu at this point in time, as the State is in dire need of sustainable development. 

He stressed that with the judgement, all distractions would cease and the Governor would be fully settled for the service of delivering on his blueprint for sustainable development of the State anchored on the Season of Sweetness mantra.

He enjoined the opposition groups to put the election disputes behind them and rally around the winner for the ultimate good of the State, especially as Governor Bassey Otu has so far entrenched all inclusive good governance in his administration of the State.

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