By Sen Pst Bill Francis 

President Bola Ahmed Tinubu's Gutsy South-South  Spokesman and Hon Minister Dr Beta Edu's Senior Chief Advocate, Honorable Pastor Bill Francis Bill, blasts the evil forces behind Hon Minister Beta Edu's suspension. I vehemently condemn the unjust actions against Hon.minister Dr Beta Edu and denounce the evil people responsible for this heinous act.

As a staunch supporter and advocate for Hon. Minister Beta Edu, I will not stand idly by in the face of injustice and will continue to fight for the truth and Hon Minister Beta Edu's rightful place. Hon minister Dr Beta Edu's dedication to the nation's progress and his selfless service to the people are unparalleled and she was Clear by EFCC

Let Mr President Bola Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu know that the masses are not happy with the current state of affairs. The problem in the land is directly linked to the absence of Hon minister Beta Edu, who was the only one brave enough to venture into the interior villages, reaching those previously unreached, to care for the less privileged.

The people cry out, suffering and pleading for Hon Minister Beta Edu's return. Mr President, please bring back Hon Minister Dr Beta Edu, for the sake of the masses and the nation's progress. Her return will restore hope and bring relief to those suffering. I implore Mr President to take immediate action to address this injustice and bring Hon Minister Dr Beta Edu back to his rightful place.

As for me, the South-South Spokesman, I have personally suffered greatly due to my association with with His Highness Chief President Bola Ahmed Asiwaju Tinubu. During the campaign, I lost everything - my fiancé left me without saying goodbye because of my support for High Chief  President Asiwaju Tinubu. Now, I am speaking out through Hon minister  Beta Edu's office, communicating with His Royal Highness President Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, SEN. OLUREMI TINUBU, CON  but ironically, Minister Dr Beta Edu is not in the office due to the unjust suspension. Despite my personal losses, I remain committed to fighting for justice and righteousness.

Furthermore, the followers of Doctor Beta Edu are spread across all thirty-six states, and they are all eager to support President Tinubu's administration. However, if Hon Minister Beta Edu is removed from office, many people will be affected, and the consequences will be dire. I urge Mr President to consider the far-reaching impact of this decision and call back Hon minister Beta Edu to Her office, for the sake of the nation and the people who have placed their trust in Mr President and Hon Minister Better Edu.

President Bola Ahmed Asiwaju Tinubu Hon Minister Betta Edu was cleared by Efcc.

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