His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu,

South-South Spokes

man, Honorable Chief Bill Francis Bill, has blown the whistle and advises His Excellency,President bola Ahmed tinubu on the dire status of Nigerians. The masses are suffering, and their patience is wearing thin. As someone who contributed to your ascension to power, I would be a coward if I didn't speak out. Nigerians are dying, struggling to make ends meet, and crying out for relief. The removal of fuel subsidies has exacerbated the situation, leaving many vulnerable citizens unable to afford basic necessities. Your policies have failed the people, Mr President. It's time to act. The clock is ticking. History will judge you harshly if you don't. The international community is watching.

The promise to "let the poor breathe" now seems like a distant memory. Families can't afford meals, let alone send their children to school. Even basic items like eggs have become luxury goods. The suffering is real, and it's your responsibility to act. Your administration's inaction is a betrayal of the trust Nigerians placed in you. You campaigned on hope, but delivered despair. The poor are suffocating under your watch. Injustice reigns supreme. Inequality has reached catastrophic levels. Your legacy hangs in the balance.

As you campaigned on the platform of hope, Nigerians entrusted you with their votes. It's imperative that you utilize this power to uplift, not oppress, the poor. The current economic woes have led to skyrocketing prices, insecurity, and desperation. Your economic team has failed. Your policies have crippled businesses. Unemployment has soared. The Naira is in free fall. Inflation is skyrocketing. Nigerians are losing faith.

Nigerians now labor under the weight of your policies, Mr President. They are tired of being "Tinubu-thin," struggling to survive. This is an insult, and it's not okay. Anyone not doing well should know what to do - just do better. Your government's priorities are skewed. You've neglected the welfare of the people. The suffering is too much. People are dying. Children are malnourished. The future looks bleak.

The streets are filled with the sounds of hunger, despair, and frustration. If things continue down this path, we risk losing the trust of the people. By 2027, what will we tell the masses? That we failed to deliver on promises? That we neglected their welfare? Your administration will be remembered as one of the worst. The people will rise against you.

As the South-South Spokesman, I implore you to reassess policies and prioritize the welfare of the masses. Reduce the cost of governance, stimulate economic growth, and provide relief to struggling citizens. Nigeria's future depends on it. You must act now. The clock is ticking. History will judge you.

Heed this call, Mr. President, and work towards a brighter future for all Nigerians. The fear of Almighty God is the beginning of wisdom. Let His guidance direct your actions, and may your legacy be one of hope, prosperity, and compassion.

"Listen up, President Tinubu, the truth hurts, but a true friend will tell it to you straight. The suffering on the streets is real, and Nigerians are dying. Senate President Godwills Akpabio, Vice President Shetima, and the entire federal government must intervene. People aren't fools; politics has made them wise. They won't tolerate this forever. The poor can't bear the brunt of skyrocketing prices - N180 to N1,200 for basic necessities? That's inhumane. Act now, or 2027's elections will be a referendum on your failure. The masses are crying out; heed their call."

"I'm speaking out because I know firsthand the struggles of building the APC to take power from the PDP. Since joining APC, I've been called every name in the book - 'fake pastor' included. But I endured, believing that President Tinubu would make things right once in office. Unfortunately, the suffering has only worsened. Fuel prices have skyrocketed from N180 to N1,300, and the masses are crying out.

"Mr. President, I implore you to wake up to your full potential and deliver Nigerians from this suffering. Sack anyone who's failing the people, including private sector individuals and marketers who are perpetuating this crisis. It's time for empathetic leadership, not extravagant lifestyles while citizens struggle ¹. The people's welfare must come first. Lead by example, prioritize transparency, and harness your religious background to foster good governance. Remember, a leader is nobody without people to lead."



Honorable Pastor Bill Francis Bill, His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed tinubu South South Spokesman.

South-South Spokesman.

May God bless Nigeria and guide your leadership.

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